The Story Behind: Our "Invest in Yourself" Pin

Hey hey!

We recently launched an incredibly adorable (if I do say so myself) enamel pin with help from Bianca of Bianca Designs. This pin means a ton to me because “Invest in yourself” is my personal mantra. For me it covers all the intersections of self love, self acceptance, and self care.

It’s what I tell myself when I feel like I’m taking a risk and betting on myself.
It’s what I tell myself when I feel a little selfish for being ambitious.
It’s what I tell myself when I don’t believe in myself, when I feel like I’m falling short.

I look at the space between where I am and where I want to be and work to be patient with myself, growing can’t happen for me under pressure. I don’t force myself to do things in my career, personal life, or the spaces in between- I see it as me investing in myself. Everyday I work to address this even in the smallest ways and I’m so happy that this personal reminder so close to my life is now in my company’s online store in the form of a beautiful pastel pin.

One of my favorite parts of running my own company is how much love and thought and just pieces of myself I’m able to include and share with others💓

Thank you to Bianca’s Designs for cleaning up my initial design, coordinating the perfect color scheme, and arranging everything with the manufacturer. Proud to have a true pin lover and fellow small business owner to have a hand in this new product! Bianca worked with TLL’s color scheme to ensure the highest quality colors were printed. She absolutely nailed it on this one. Thank you so much Bianca!

PS: Don’t miss out on the 20% off sale this month check out this pin and more at our online store.

Love always,

Kim Hoyos, founder of the Light Leaks


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2 Year Anniversary!