Looking for a Compelling Speaker, Moderator, or Workshop Presenter for Your Event?

Book The Light Leaks for  Your Next Event

We believe in making the conversation of diversity in media accessible to all, to drive empathy and meaningful change in the industry.

Contact us today to book The Light Leaks and Kim Hoyos for your next conference, workshop, or film festival.

Keynote Presentations

Research on Women in Film + How We Fix the Disparity in Hollywood

Kim shares research findings and actionable strategies to promote inclusivity and representation in Hollywood. She explores the evolving landscape of gender representation in media, advocating for equitable opportunities and authentic storytelling that reflects diverse experiences.

Panel Topics

  • Gender Representation in Media

  • Diversity in Entertainment

  • Latinx Culture, Representation, and Identity

  • Mental Health in Creative Industries

  • Community Building Online

  • Social Impact through Storytelling

  • Career Paths in Media

  • Creative Entrepreneurship


  • Premiere Pro Classes

  • Video Editing for Social Media

  • Digital Branding for Artists

  • Getting Comfortable On Screen for Content Creators

  • Social Media Basics

Mental Health Matters: Addressing Stigma and Self-Care in Creative Industries

Break down the stigma surrounding mental health in creative industries. Kim discusses the importance of self-care, mental health awareness, and creating supportive environments for professionals in media and beyond.

Building Digital Communities: Cultivating Connection and Empowerment Online

Examine the role of digital communities in fostering connection, collaboration, and empowerment online. Kim shares her experiences and strategies for building inclusive and supportive online communities. She believes in the transformative power of online spaces to nurture talent, amplify voices, and foster collaboration.

Past Events

  • More to Talk About x Tribeca Film Festival - June 2024

  • Women Wednesday at American Cinematheque - March 2024

  • Proof of Concept Festival - October 2023, Culver City, CA

  • Los Angeles Latino International Film Festival - June 2023, Los Angeles, CA

  • PHA - Georgia Southern-  Statesboro, Georgia September 2019

  • Her Conference 2019 - June 2019, Brooklyn, NYC

  • Feminist Camp, January 2019- Manhattan, NYC

  • TOMS Change Makers Panel, December 2018- Brooklyn, NYC

  • Rutgers University Society for Professional Journalists Career Panel, November 2018 - New Brunswick, NJ

  • Imagine This Productions' International Women’s Film Festival- Two Little Bitches Q&A, November 2018, Brooklyn NYC

  • Camp Reel Stories- Adolescent Content Panel, August 2018, Glendale, California

  • Her Conference- Side Hustle Life, Her Campus, July 2018- Manhattan, NYC

  • Stareable Fest, Under Representation of Women in Media, July 2018- Manhattan, NYC

  • Lithium Magazine's Charity Event for the Malala Fund, June 2018- Manhattan, NY

  • Book Con, How To Resist Panel- Manhattan, NYC, June 2018

  • Urban Outfitters, Putting Yourself Out There: Self Care And Social Media, May 2018- Brooklyn, NYC

  • Imagine This Productions' 1st Annual Girl Power Film + Media Summit, March 2018 - Brooklyn, New York

  • Rutgers University Society for Professional Journalists Internship Panel, March 2018 - New Brunswick, NJ

  • Mozilla Firefox, Rock the Boat: Women Talk the Rising Tides of Internet Activism, November 2017- Manhattan, NYC

  • Girls Who Code, August 2017- Harlem, NYC