Personal Branding for Beginners Workshop: Recap
poster by Charis Forrester
On August 23rd, the Light Leaks teamed up with Rogue Sunday to host a workshop for women and gender non-conforming creatives looking to learn how to use their online presence to their career advantage. The event, which took place at Women Make Movies NYC, was led by Rogue Sunday founder Lily Herman and myself, Kim Hoyos. Lily and I gave presentations on the importance of online branding, with Lily’s focusing on general do’s and don’ts especially for networking and mine focusing on promoting your art online. The second half of the workshop was an interactive breakout session where each creative could have their respective social media profiles be critiqued. Lily, Lily’s Rogue Sunday associates Elly Belle and Wandy Ortiz, and I led smaller groups to tackle specific questions and social media profiles. After the event, each attendee also received a premium trial of online learning site, Skillshare. Thanks, Skillshare!
It was a wonderful evening of creativity, questions, and personal growth in a safe environment. With supportive spaces like these, women and GNC folks of all ages, backgrounds, and career paths can learn from each other, inspire one and other, and understand that there is an audience for their work. I loved this event because it felt intimate. With around 20 people in the conference room, I could see everyone’s faces while they took in information, learned from one another, and truly connected with those around them. That’s what the Light Leaks is all about and seeing its effects offline is truly magical.
Keep an eye out for future events and check out some of the photos from the event.
- Kim Hoyos, TLL founder