Interviews with Female and GNC Filmmakers
In our interviews, we’re able to share the success stories and celebrate the work of established female and GNC filmmakers. These filmmakers are sharing their knowledge with the TLL community to expand educational equity in Hollywood and also provide insight into the steps they’ve taken in their lives.
Screen Queens: the Blog Rewriting the Male Gaze
Screen Queens is the brainchild of 21 year old, Chloe Leeson. It’s a site meant to hold a space for feminist film criticism, women centric works, and reviews by women and LGBTQ youth. Hailing from the north of England she is a recent grad who studied Costume Interpretation with Design in between founding and acting as Screen Queens’ Editor in Chief. What we love most about Screen Queens is that much like our own site, it’s geared towards all level filmmaker with an emphasis on the youth voice.