Write for Us!
We are currently accepting pitches under the following verticals:
Photo by Christina @ wocintechchat.com on Unsplash
My Take is for personal narratives. How has your identity shaped you as a filmmaker? Is there a moment in your life that has greatly inspired your work?
On Screen is for pieces that examine the intersection of identity (gender, race, class, sexual orientation, etc.) and film/TV. We’re looking for work that goes beyond the general, ‘is this good or bad’ and asks deeper questions about the things we watch and connect with and why.
The Hustle is for advice, how-to’s, resources, anything that helps break down barriers of entry for women and GNC filmmakers. Do you have any tips or tricks that you wish someone would have told you as an upcoming filmmaker? As this column is based on education, access, and equity, this would not be a paid piece for TLL, all other pieces will be.
Aside from these verticals we also seek:
think pieces, feminist analysis on media pieces, genre pieces, and more!
we do not accept reviews.
If you’re unsure whether your idea qualifies, please check out our about page or get inspired by reading some of our published pieces!