Industry Advice and Media Analysis Articles

Our editorial pieces are all written by female and GNC filmmakers, providing perspectives that aren’t often featured on typical film websites. From help guides, an advice column, to think pieces, these contributors each utilize media to make connections to their identities and lives in unique ways. To pitch to The Light Leaks, go to this link.

the hustle, think piece Kimberly Hoyos the hustle, think piece Kimberly Hoyos

The Hustle: What’s Wrong with My Crowdfunding Pitch?

There are some things you need to keep in mind when you start crowdfunding and pitching! We want to dedicate this edition to the Hustle to answering “What’s Wrong with My Crowdfunding Pitch?”. When making your crowdfunding pitch, there’s a few key things that may prevent you from getting the buy in from the audience that YOU need to pull it off. Read on below to learn 4 key tips….

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